Analisis Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Ditinjau dari Persepsi Siswa pada Materi Gelombang Bunyi Kelas XI SMA


  • Aulia Rachmadanti
  • Maryani Maryani
  • Bambang Supriadi



A new challenge for education occurred when the covid-19 attacked the world, the impact of which was that approximately 1.6 billion students could not carry out learning activities as usual in the school environment. Whereas the learning process must involve student learning activities as the main part of its implementation. Therefore, to determine the level of student activity, this research was carried out using descriptive methods with the aim of analyzing learning activities and student learning outcomes in terms of student perceptions on sound wave material in class XI MIPA. The research was conducted at SMA Nuris Jember with a sample of students in class XI MIPA SMA Nuris Jember. The research process by distributing questionnaires that will be filled by students of class XI MIPA. In addition to obtaining research data from the questionnaire distributed, researchers also obtained data on the learning outcomes of sound wave material from the subject teacher taken from the daily test scores of sound wave material. Student learning activity questionnaire data and student perceptions on sound waves material were then processed using Microsoft Excel 2019. In the student learning activity questionnaire data, the percentage result is 70% which is included in the good category. For student perception questionnaire data, the percentage result is 63% which is included in the high category. The next step is to test the data using SPSS Statistics 25 to test correlation analysis with correlation techniques, namely Pearson Product Moment and get a correlation coefficient of 0.443 with a determinant value of 19, 6%. The data shows that between student perceptions and learning outcomes have a relationship and are included in moderate strength. This proves that some learning outcomes are influenced by students' perceptions of their understanding of sound wave material and the rest of the learning outcomes are influenced by other factors.


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